Is Social Media Making Us Socially Awkward? [Infographic]

Almost everyone, and their moms, know about Facebook. Not out of utility, but out of necessity. It has infiltrated our lives so deep, that the need to stay connected is adamant.

There’s no doubt social media enables us to organize our real-world relationships, and even meet new people outside the digital realm — both of which can be great, life-enhancing things.

But could social networking have an adverse effect on our quality of life?

This is the question the answer to which we explore in today’s infographic.

Consider these facts and findings as produced by this infographic:

  • Everyday, time equivalent to 19,963 years is being spent on Facebook – excluding mobile visits.
  • Indians and Americans spend almost equal times on Facebook each day.
  • 39% of people prefer socializing online than face-to-face.

social media real world



  • bigjzoo says:

    I think this is growing problem in our society. People are anti-social due to the Internet.

    • Karan Goel says:

      “Anti-social” is quite a harsh word. I wouldn’t say that. It’s just that they find socializing over the Internet more convenient, and well, cool!

  • Justin Blanchard says:

    I definitely think social networking has it’s place. But yeah, I know it’s made me react a little differently with people. I’d like to have my roommates limit my time just for my own good… but it’s so hard to pull away from it all!

  • Micheal says:

    Wow, you don’t really tend to think about these things ’til they’re right in your face, do you? I actually happen to know a guy who I first met on Facebook through my friends, who commented on his posts. He was mostly very active on the site, but quite hostile, bashing people who didn’t agree with his opinions. I happened to be introduced to him at an event I was attending. He was MUCH different in real life, choosing not to talk to anyone outside 2 people and avoiding the more crowded exhibits. I think this is a good example of the good and bad of social networking. He was able to speak his mind online, but it couldn’t have been easy on his face-to-face skill. Poor guy….

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