Nokia Just Came Up with the Fastest Cellphone Network Ever

Nokia Just Came Up with the Fastest Cellphone Network Ever
Photo from White Oaks Blog

Nokia just came up with the fastest cellphone network ever… And it could be everyone’s dream come true.

The unthinkably fast 5G network that Nokia came up with is 40 times faster than your fastest 4G network, and 10 times faster than Google Fiber.

Nokia says the new technology will allow users to download full-length HD movies in just a matter of seconds— at a speed of 10 Gigabits per second.

At the same speed, the incredibly fast cellular network will also allow internet users to stream 8K videos and movies in 3-D— something that has never been possible until now. These 8K videos showcase much detailed pictures, twice clearer than 4K videos, and up to 16 times clearer than videos on full HD.

The cellular network, however, won’t be ready for deployment until 2020, according to Nokia.

But the company’s 5G cellular network technology was the fastest to have ever been tested, surpassing Samsung’s very own 5G network which only ran about 75% of Nokia’s— at 7.5 Gbps.

While the revolution of 4G networks held the promise of much faster speeds, such didn’t really materialize, mostly due to the congestion that the networks experience especially during rush hours. The slower speeds that the networks deliver can be attributed to the growing number of its internet and mobile internet subscribers.

Nokia’s 5G technology, on the other hand, promises a much better outcome, with speeds up to 100 Megabits per second during peak hours, where networks are most congested. Such speed can pave way for billions of sensors and machines to connect to the internet all at the same time— another thing that has never been possible, until now.

The company’s promising 5G technology is currently being tested by Nokia at an incredibly high frequency of 73,000 MHz. Cellular networks in use today are only broadcasting at frequencies ranging from 700-3,500 MHz max.

But Nokia’s revolutionary 5G technology won’t be deployed without a few bumps on the road.

Mobile phones in the market today are still not anywhere near capable of handling radio signals of such high frequency. This problem, however, can easily be addressed by cellphone manufacturers in the near future. But the fact that the new 5G technology requires more cell towers to be deployed must also be addressed by network carriers. Higher frequencies mean shorter signals— and the end result of which boils down to scarcity of signals on every mobile user’s phone. Network carriers will have to build A LOT of mini cell towers to fix this issue.

But that could be extremely expensive.

So the only probable way to get around that would be to allow signals to be passed on from phone to phone, instead of having each of them connect independently to a cellular tower, which is how things are right now.


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